
Dad visited my Bangalore apartment a while ago and he complimented me on the books I’d been reading. This made me feel rather warm. It’s common for friends to gloss over the contents of your shelf, but it’s special when your dad, who taught you what Yeah means and laughed when you told him you’d been skipping over that word in dialogues, finds himself genuinely interested in a couple of your favourites and delivers a smile of approval.

Grouping my now-made-memorable-shelf by author:

I think this could be a lot more interesting. I seem to enjoy books in which I can find (or shoehorn my imagination of) an instruction manual for living my life, because I think I do get it wrong sometimes. I realise that most people turn to the self-help/non-fiction section for that, but I just find those titles horribly boring; the ones I’ve been unfortunate enough to read (not included above) have been reductive, insecure, and consistently dishonest. I hope I find the exception to my experiences’ rule soon.